1. How to learn coding and drone aviation together 
    TELLO EDU course is best drone coding course in the world.
  2. Comprehensive block coding course 
    You can code through block tasks in 12 planets in the course.
  3. State of art Drone Coding Curriculum
    Help you understand drone control, block coding, flying simulator, swarm and aviation photography etc.
  4. Step-by-step tutoring help you solve everybody issue
    in zoom classroom, no one will be left behind. 
  5. Certified Course and friendly teachers will bring you more confidence in coding skill.
What will you achieve in Drone Coding Course?
This is champion course,  MINDCAN will unlock success secrets for kids who love STEM,  help more students to be champion.     
I want to share success with you today from a free trial class !
On your way to Drone coding Champion
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